AscmvcRenderListenerInterface allows the implementing class to be consumed as a AscmvcEventManager class listener.
The interface's methods correspond exactly to the application's events as they are used in its run() method so that, in turn, these methods may be dynamically called by the EventManager's event-driven "trigger" methods.
FactoryInterface allows the implementing class to create itself using initialization logic.
AscmvcRenderListenerInterface allows the implementing class to be consumed as a AscmvcEventManager class listener.
The interface's methods correspond exactly to the application's events as they are used in its run() method so that, in turn, these methods may be dynamically called by the EventManager's event-driven "trigger" methods.
EventManagerListenerInterface allows the implementing class to be consumed as a AscmvcEventManager class listener.
The interface's methods correspond exactly to the application's main events as they are defined in its run() method so that, in turn, these methods may be dynamically called by the EventManager's event-driven "trigger" methods.
AscmvcFinishListenerInterface allows the implementing class to be consumed as a AscmvcEventManager class listener.
The interface's methods correspond exactly to the application's events as they are used in its run() method so that, in turn, these methods may be dynamically called by the EventManager's event-driven "trigger" methods.
AscmvcRenderListenerInterface allows the implementing class to be consumed as a AscmvcEventManager class listener.
The interface's methods correspond exactly to the application's events as they are used in its run() method so that, in turn, these methods may be dynamically called by the EventManager's event-driven "trigger" methods.
AscmvcRenderListenerInterface allows the implementing class to be consumed as a AscmvcEventManager class listener.
The interface's methods correspond exactly to the application's events as they are used in its run() method so that, in turn, these methods may be dynamically called by the EventManager's event-driven "trigger" methods.
The abstract AbstractController class is the blueprint for the MVC's controllers.
Description The AbstractController class is the one that needs to be extended in order to create a LightMVC controller.
The abstract AbstractControllerManager class is the blueprint for the MVC's ControllerManager.
The AbstractControllerManager class is the one that needs to be extended in order to create a LightMVC ControllerManager.
Class AscmvcEvent
The clas AscmvcEvent extends the Zend\EventManager\Event class and adds logic that is specific to this MVC.
Class AscmvcEventManager
The AscmvcEventManager class extends the Zend\EventManager\EventManager class and adds events and logic that are specific to this MVC.
Class AscmvcEventManagerFactory
Returns an instance of the AscmvcEventManager without a shared manager.
Class Atlas
The Atlas class extends the AbstractModelObject and uses the atlas/orm library.
Class Controller
The Controller class extends the AbstractController and implements the AscmvcEventManagerListenerInterface.
Class ControllerManager
The ControllerManager class extends the AbstractControllerManager and acts as the MVC's dispatcher object.
Class Doctrine
The Doctrine class extends the AbstractModelObject and uses the doctrine/dbal and doctrine/orm libraries.
Class FastRouter
The FastRouter class extends the AbstractRouter class and uses the nikic/fast-route library.
An example of a general-purpose implementation that includes the optional functionality of allowing multiple base directories for a single namespace prefix.
Given a foo-bar package of classes in the file system at the following paths ...
Baz.php # Foo\Bar\Baz
Quux.php # Foo\Bar\Qux\Quux
BazTest.php # Foo\Bar\BazTest
QuuxTest.php # Foo\Bar\Qux\QuuxTest
... add the path to the class files for the \Foo\Bar\ namespace prefix as follows:
// instantiate the loader
$loader = new \Example\Psr4AutoloaderClass;
// register the autoloader
// register the base directories for the namespace prefix
$loader->addNamespace('Foo\Bar', '/path/to/packages/foo-bar/src');
$loader->addNamespace('Foo\Bar', '/path/to/packages/foo-bar/tests');
The following line would cause the autoloader to attempt to load the \Foo\Bar\Qux\Quux class from /path/to/packages/foo-bar/src/Qux/Quux.php:
new \Foo\Bar\Qux\Quux;
The following line would cause the autoloader to attempt to load the \Foo\Bar\Qux\QuuxTest class from /path/to/packages/foo-bar/tests/Qux/QuuxTest.php:
new \Foo\Bar\Qux\QuuxTest;
Class LazyLoadingMiddleware
This class stores given middleware inside a Container factory in order to load them only when needed.
Class MiddlewareFactory
Marshal middleware for use in the application.
This class provides a number of methods for preparing and returning middleware for use within an application.
If any middleware provided is already a MiddlewareInterface, it can be used verbatim or decorated as-is. Other middleware types acceptable are:
Additionally, the class provides the following decorator/utility methods: